The Bread and Butter and Roll

The Bread and Butter and Roll

The bread and butter plate is a six inch plate located in the upper left of your place setting. There is a small knife or butter spreader on it which you use to spread butter on your roll or bread.
Take a sufficient amount of butter from the butter dish using either a butter knife found on the butter dish or another clean knife and put it on your bread and butter plate. Keeping your roll on the plate, break off a bite sized piece, butter it using your butter spreader and then eat it a piece at a time.

You break, butter and bite so there aren’t unsightly bite or teeth marks on the uneaten portion. Don’t use the butter knife for spreading butter on your roll or you will put crumbs in the butter that everyone uses. Try not to butter your roll in mid air as inevitably you’ll get crumbs everywhere. Although it may be expedient, don’t cut your roll and make a butter sandwich with

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