Office Courtesies
Office Courtesies
Civility and simple courteous phrases are often lacking in the workplace. Remember to say, “Good morning,” “Please,” “Thank you,” “May I” and “Excuse me.” A cheerful “Good morning Bob” or “How are you today Mrs. Higgins?” can make a difference in to someone’s whole day.
Multi-tasking can be interpreted as bad manners. You can’t be attentive to another person when you’re reading your email or working on paperwork. When holding a meeting in your office, give your visitor your full attention and hold your phone calls. Go back to the manners you learned in kindergarten and start applying them in the workplace.
Try to solve problems with co-workers, such as personality conflicts and minor irritations, at the lowest possible level. Don’t take every little problem to the supervisor. State objections calmly and deal with differences tactfully as adults.