Don’t Be a Martyr

Don’t Be a Martyr

Health problems in the workplace can occur from sitting too long in the same position or straining your neck by looking over your shoulder instead of turning your whole chair around to talk with someone. Get up and move around. Try to walk outside at least 10 minutes each day.

If you are ill, stay home and suffer in private. No one appreciates martyrs in the workplace. Your co-workers don’t want to be exposed, nor do they want to take your cold or flu home to their family. The first few days of an illness are when a disease is most contagious. Don’t come to work if you have a fever are throwing up, fainting or coughing.

If you feel well enough to get some work done, arrange with your boss to work at home until you’re well. Keep in mind that most businesses use heating and air conditioning systems that continually re-circulate the germs throughout the building. You could be infecting employees in the rest of the building.

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