Vacations from Work

Vacations from Work

To truly enjoy your vacation time, leave everything work-related behind. But before you go, here are some details to remember before taking time off:
• If you are required to get vacation approval from your boss, submit your request in writing at least a month before you leave.
• Once your dates are approved, send a memo to co-workers and important clients telling them the dates you will be away. Tell your boss how and where you can be reached in case of emergency.
• Change your voice mail and set up an automatic e-mail response stating the dates that you will be out of the office and the date you will be returning. Also mention who to contact in your absence.
• If you have an administrative assistant, business partner, or someone designated to cover for you, brief them on your latest projects at least a week before you go. Inform co-workers and clients who will be handling your work while you're away.
• Try not to schedule big meetings or appointments the day of your return. You will need a transition day to respond to e-mails, open regular mail, and return phone calls.

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